Monday, January 2, 2017

2017 Are You On Board With Yourself?

Well another year has come and gone, another moon phase has ended and begun again. It's a wonderful to be able to experience time! I am not typically one to make New Year's Resolutions, I never have for many years. A good friend, Tasha Harris, the owner of Thee Angels Network and Tasha's Touch gave me a great piece of advice about 7 years ago. She said, "Why do you have to wait till New Year's to resolve to do something? Every day should be a New Year." After I heard that I made it a point to see goals this way.

There is one tradition I have kept alive over the years, a yearly mantra. Usually within the first week of January, Spirit gives me a mantra that I carry with me all year. I typically write it down or I meditate on it. This mantra is usually short and something easy for reflection. This years mantra is "Get on board or get out of my way." As I begin to reflect on this, it's not just a message to me. Yes, it is Spirit saying 'get on board with Me'. It is also a message to people in my life as well. Constantly we let other people dictate what others should do in their life. What matters in the end is what you or I want. No one else is living your life, but you. This is a lesson that I forgot, therefore, it is no surprise to me that this is my 2017 mantra.

Finally, this practice of keeping a mantra goes back to a Bible verse I have always held dear. It is also a cornerstone of my meditation practices. Many people know that I work very closely with Mother Mary. My spiritual practice is mixed with a lot of Catholic beliefs. In the gospel according to Luke, he writes, "But Mary kept all these things, and treasured them in her heart." No matter the situation, wisdom, knowledge, or experience we must gather them all up, treasure them, and continuously ponder them. That doesn't mean we should dwell on them, especially if they are unhappy experiences. We ought to take them as an experience and ponder them. What may be learned in the moment may not be relevant until much later.