Friday, January 2, 2015

Astrological Magick- Retrogrades

Each retrograde has their quirks and challenges. The stigma is that each retrograde has more pitfalls that gains. That like a planetary retrograde is an illusion. I couldn't think of any ritual to do, so naturally I looked through my books. Astrology magick gave an avenue. When embarking on Astrological magick, be sure to do your research of the energies involved. A good place to start is as follows:

  1. Understand normal planetary associations and energies
  2. Understand retrograde energies of the planet. 
  3. Know what sign the planet is retrograding in and research that. 
  4. Be aware of any aspects that are on it (squares, tringes, sextiles ect.). 
  5. Length of the retrograde. 
  6. Research your natal chart. Be aware if the planet retrograded in your chart at the time of you birth. If it did look at what house it was in at that time. 
The above is just a short list. You can get as detailed or basic as you like. Understanding the energies will help guide in the creation f rituals and effectiveness of your spells and magick. Also for the novice witch this yields incredible learning opportunities and applications, as well as some great entries into you Book of Shadows!

Jupiter Retrograde in Leo. Enters Virgo August 11th, 2015
Jupiter is Retrograde Dec. 8th 2014- April 8th, 2015
Today is Jan. 2nd, 2015
Aspects: Moon sextile Jupiter
Highly protective influence. Good Fortune and coming out on top. Unyielding hope, faith, and intuition, and optimism allow you to tackle life's challenges. These traits you building in yourself which boosts your self esteem and confidence. You also put it in the universe or a higher power. Sextiles are positive energy and are a building energy. How does this effect a retrograde? You are asked to use these gifts internally, to pave the way.

Mars opposes Jupiter:
Enthusiasm and optimism are strengths and weaknesses. Avoid impulsive spontaneity and be aware of the consequences of you actions. This energy could make you think that you can tackle anything willy nilly. That's not always the case. You may be larger than life, but your acts are not and will yield only temporary results. Take this time to plan and be methodical. That is a strength that brings not only abundance, but long term abundance.

Effects on a retrograde:
You can't rely on someone else to do it for you. Jupiter is showing you that you are capable, but it starts with you. Long term success comes from making a methodical plan. You need to get the internal view of your reality in sync with whats going on around you to have long term abundance in the material world.

Jupiter is retrograde in the fifth house of Leo. The fiery lion. He is the embodiment of strength and courage. You can do anything you set your mind to. When Jupiter is retrograde in Leo, beware of the pitfalls of Leo energy like vanity, gambling, or too high of a risk. You may become a bit exorbitant with purchases which will lead to financial problems down the road. There is the unstable energy of money here, so before the planet retrogrades, put a little aside for a rainy day. This planet is retrograde once a year for 120 or 4 months. Don't touch this money or put it in a certificate of deposit,  (retrogrades have a way of surprising car troubles). This is the physical manifestation of going within in regards to money matters. Putting that aside will help you eventually in the long run. Big picture planning from within is the focus of a Jupiter retrograde in Leo.

Now you know these very basic things about the Jupiter Retrograde in Leo. From here you are able to build a small ritual to help you through the energy to make it actually pretty beneficial. Good luck!

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