Thursday, August 6, 2015

Uranus Retrograde Steer into the Energy of Personal Awareness July 26 - Dec 25th 2015

Uranus Retrograde

Ah Uranus, the planet that gives us a fresh perspective and demands us to expand our minds like the sky. Uranus is the equivalent to the Roman Sky God Caelis. This planet when retrograde focuses its energy on making us release what is toxic in our lives, and therefore become expansive like the sky. The energy of this planet can be chaotic, fast moving, and rebellious, thus it is the modern ruler of Aquarius. This planet allows us to have a fresh perspective on old, stagnant, present situations in our lives. In order to bring resolve to these situations, Uranus will direct you to which sacrifices to make as well as the right timing. The big picture of your life is what Uranus will force you to see. Uranus will first show you your personal bigger picture, and then the avenues to achieve that picture. Be prepared for some very deep thinking and highly introspective thoughts. Philosophical thoughts may be on the rise as well! All of these leading to an epiphany! "By George, I think he's got it!" Beware of living through impulse during this time. As much as you want to rebel under this energy, take the time to garner patience. This is an energy that demands you look at the reality of your life. Allow the lessons to unfold before you so that you can learn them once and for all!
-Lord Auriael-
-Ryan Morrigan- 

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